Tuesday, December 13, 2011
I want to be a Supermodel...
I was sitting on my couch a couple of weeks ago doing a little online shopping when I heard my husband holler at me from our bedroom. He said, "Hey babe, did you know that the Victoria's Secret fashion show is on?" I said, "Yes, why?" Jud said, "Oh I thought you may want to watch it...it's kind of gross though, all I see is ribs." I laughed and then thought to myself, "I am so glad my husband likes a woman with meat on her bones". After I got some of my shopping done, I checked facebook (I know, I'm addicted) and I swear every status I saw was about the Victoria's Secret fashion show. Some of the statuses I saw said things like...
"I want to be an angel."
"Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, thanks for the confidence boost."
"Watching the VS fashion show...I'm never going to eat again."
"Watching the Victoria's Secret fashion and I really need to hit the gym."
After reading those status updates, I was pretty sad that women actually compare themselves to Supermodels. I mean, come on... Those women come from all over the world and they are few and far in between. According to Victoria's Secret Chief Marketing Officer Edward Razik, fewer than 100 women in the world have the potential to be a Victoria's Secret model. To be a Victoria's Secret Angel you have to be at least 5'8" and your measurements have to be 34-24-34, or smaller. Not only do the models have to meet these specific size requirements, they must have specific facial features such as full lips, a small nose, and high cheekbones. So unless you possess all of the above...forget about it. If you do, call me...I'll be your manager. ;)
Seriously though, why are women so obsessed with being so freakin' perfect? I mean, I am guilty myself. I have been so fixated on my imperfections, that I can't even appreciate what God has blessed me with.
When I turned 26 I got so obsessed with aging... I looked in the mirror one morning and felt the urgent need to get botox and juvederm. True story...I googled everything there is to know about both. I got over it though...after I realized I was too broke to fix my face. Ha! So, I learned to love every wrinkle and every line and now I like to think they tell a story. I will admit though that I spend about 15 mintues a night exfoliating and applying serums and moisturizer, because I don't want my face to be a open book. ;)
But now, lets focus on my best feature... how about my 34A chest? Yes, thank you Lord for blessing me with boobs... Oh wait.... that was my mom and sister you gave those to. Totally skipped me. I can laugh about the fact that there are 12 year olds with bigger breasts than me. It doesn't really bother me much...I am athletic, I'm a dancer...those would just get in the way.
Ok, ok...enough joking around and completely embarrassing myself. The point I'm trying to make is... we all have imperfections and we all have things that we don't like about ourselves. I'm willing to bet a million dollars that even those Victoria's Secret Angels don't always look in the mirror and like what they see. They have their insecurities just like everyone else in this world...not to mention they are probably really hungry. So, I say... Let's stop obsessing. Let's stop comparing. Let's stop wanting to be someone or something we are not. Instead, let's focus on what we LOVE about ourselves. Let's focus on letting our beauty shine from the inside out by serving our God who made us and loves us...just the way we are!
"People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting".
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Imperfections is beauty. Madness is genius. It is better to be absolutely ridiculous, than absolutely boring."
Marilyn Monroe
Yours in Health,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
'Tis the Season to be...fat and happy?
Now, I am not going to sit here and pretend that I don't enjoy a huge Thanksgiving meal and that I'm not the first in line for my mama's red velvet cake at Christmas. I absolutely love to eat and I do often splurge on the holidays, however, I put in extra time at the gym to ensure that I can afford to splurge. I'm sure you're thinking, "Oh, Brittany.. You make it sounds so easy.", but trust me...I struggle this time of year just like everyone else. The cold weather tries to put me in a slump and I have to muster up energy to workout. I stare at equipment all day at work, but yet making myself actually jump on a machine or pick up a dumbbell sometimes just seems so...BLAH! In the past I made excuses like... I'll just kick my workout and diet routine back up in January. Sound familiar? I'm sure I'm not the only one that has ever thought that.
Did you know that the average person consumes 4,000 calories at their Thanksgiving meal? Keep in mind that if you blow your fitness routine on just three days- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years- it won't cause too much damage. What gets most of us into trouble is the nonstop feasting mentality that goes on from Thanksgiving through January 1st. 8 pounds is a lot of weight to have to lose come January... and if you are not at your ideal body weight...think about the weight you are trying to lose now and add 8 pounds to that. If you plan on being the "average person" this holiday season and packing on a winter coat...I sure hope you're ready to spend MONTHS working it off. Below I posted a picture of what just 5lbs of fat looks like...
Lovely isn't it? haha! Let's all try to avoid that this holiday season. I suggest you sticking to your workout routine, eating light and clean throughout the week, and only splurging on those special holidays. I realize that there will also be Christmas parties with tons of food and alcohol. If I'm realistic I'm not going to tell you to "avoid alcohol" and "eat before you go so you are not tempted with the treats"...Come on, who REALLY does that? What I will say is...you better get your butt to the gym the next morning! ;) Good Luck and may you and your family have a blessed holiday season!
Yours in Health,
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
My Lifestyle...
These are some of my favorite supplements: Opti-women Vitamins, fish oil, Xtend intra-workout catalyst, Visalus shake mix, and Max CLA. I highly recommend the site www.bodybuilding.com to order supplements. You can find most everything for half the cost as it would be in GNC or Max Nutrition. Also, if you are interested in Visalus check out my link www.brittanyhorton.bodybyvi.com
I make my own protein bars. These are Jamie Eason's pumpkin protein bars. Here is a link to the recipe you are interested. They are so yummy!!! http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-easons-livefit-recipes-pumpkin-protein-bars.html
This is my grocery cart after making my weekly kroger run. As you may notice...everything is Natural/Organic. I only eat cage-free eggs and farm raised meats. If I don't buy my vegetable fresh, I make sure that everything is USDA Organic.
Yours in Health,
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mind over Matter
I must admit, however, that there are some frustrations that come along with my job. I am with each of my my clients maybe 3 hours a week and I control what they do, but the other 165 hours during the week they are on their own. In order to keep my clients accountable outside of the gym, I have them keep track of a food journal and I also write them prescription cardio programs for them to do on their own. I make sure I cover ALL the bases when it comes to fitness. The truly dedicated clients use the tools I equip them with and make proper choices day in and day out, however, there are some clients that don't.
I've had to learn to be very patient with clients, because I know that it can take time for everything to really "click". I have seen several clients transform in front of my eyes..not just physically, but also mentally. I can always tell the ones that truly get it from the ones that are struggling to get in the right frame of mind. I get frustrated at times, but I also realize that I can't help clients that don't want to help themselves. So, I do my best to motivate and keep them accountable in hopes that they will realize that working out with a trainer isn't the only piece to the fitness puzzle.
Are you struggling to get in shape? Do you find yourself starting a diet one week only to go back to horrible eating habits the next? Do you go to the gym and then go home to eat pizza with your kids, because you didn't have time to cook? Do you run 5 miles and then go out with your buddies and drink a pitcher of beer? Do you workout 3 hours a week, but sit on the couch every other night because you just don't have the energy to commit to any extra cardio? Do you spend a lot of money on a trainer, but don't take his advice on proper nutrition? Do you not workout at all because you just can't find the time?
Those are all pretty common scenarios, and believe it or not I can relate to some of those. Our mind is a powerful thing. We can build ourselves up and psych ourselves out..sometimes in just a matter of minutes. I am challenging you right now to MAKE YOUR MIND UP, because you must WANT to CHANGE and fully COMMIT to CHANGE in order for it to take place!
You can look in the mirror all day long and point out things about your body that you don't like, but are you taking action to change it? You can talk about how bad your cholesterol is and worry about it constantly, but will you really commit to eating better to lower it?
Basically what I'm saying is...If you want to change, DO IT! I know that sounds easy, but guess what... IT IS!!! It just takes ACTION! You can eat healthy and exercise, all it takes is a little time and willingness to do so. Now, go take a look in your mirror and tell yourself that you are DOING IT, because guess what...YOU CAN!!!! :)
Yours in Health,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I'm Back!!!
While I was forced to be inactive for a couple of weeks it dawned on me just how much I take for granted. When I was in line at the pharmacy to pick up my meds I was griping to my husband about not being able to workout when I saw a lady in front of me in a wheelchair. I caught myself in that moment and it really helped me put things into perspective. Even though I had to take a break from the hobby I love the most, I knew it was only temporary. I am so blessed to have my health and I never want to take it for granted. I will continue to make healthy choices day in and day out and take care of the body God gave me. I challenge you to do that same. There are people out there that would give anything to be able to run or go to the gym and lift weights, but they physically aren't capable. Think about that next time you want to skip the gym...
Yours in Health,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I'm falling apart...
Yours in Health,
Monday, August 22, 2011
I can't believe it's been a month!!
Yours in Health,
Monday, August 15, 2011
I think I can, I think I can...
Yours in Health,
Friday, August 12, 2011
Drop those Barbie weights!
*First of all, be sure and combine regular cardio with your strength training routine. This will help you look leaner while you become stronger.
*If you have never lifted weights before, you do need to start out light and work your way up. It is very important to learn proper form to prevent injury. Stick to lighter weights and higher reps. For example: 2 sets of 15 reps.
*If you have been lifting weights for a while and you can breeze through 2 sets of 15 reps (with proper form), it is time to UP the weight. You should actually FEEL the resistance, and it should be difficult to finish the second set. Again, make sure that you can maintain proper form through all reps. I cringe when I see people (mainly men) in the gym trying to "sling" weight that is obviously too heavy for them..that's just a recipe for disaster.
*Also, make sure you change up your routine. I'm sure you've heard about hitting a "plateau"; To prevent this you need to change up your strength training routine. You can do this by changing up the exercises you do, the type of equipment you use, the amount of weight you lift, and also by changing up the number of reps and sets that you do.
*Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help! Most gyms should have someone there to introduce you to the machines and teach you how to properly use weights. If you go to a 24 hour gym, be sure to go with some that knows what they are doing and talking about to teach you how to properly use the equipment. If you are still overwhelmed, you may want to hire a personal trainer to tell you exactly what to do and to coach your form.
Yours in Health,Brittany
Monday, August 8, 2011
Whoohooo Week #2 is OVER!!!
Yours in Health,
Friday, August 5, 2011

If you really want to "rev-up" your metabolism you need to eat small, frequest meals. Start with a good breakfast in the morning. Eat within an hour of waking up and choose a healthy balanced breakfast like oatmeal, almonds and an apple. If you're not big on breakfast, try a protein shake. I highly recommend visalus shakes (http://www.brittanyhorton.bodybyvi.com/)! :) If you only take one tip from me, take this one...DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST.
Now, you may be wondering how many calories you need to consume a day to lose weight. Everyone is different. The formula below will help you calculate what is right for you and your metabolism...
655 + (4.35 x your weight) + (4.7 x your height in inches) - (4.7 x your age)= the number of calories you should consume to lose weight.
I have only scratched the surface talking about nutrition. I could literally go on for days, but I will continue to add posts and some healthy recipes for you to follow. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!Yours in Health,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A friend posted this amazing quote on facebook and I can't help but steal it to share with everyone... "The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything, it's your MIND you have to convince." -Vince Lombardi
The hardest part about getting in shape is staying motivated. It is so easy to get off track and forget about your fitness goals. We get caught up in our busy lives and sadly we often put our health on the back burner. Here are a few tricks that I use to help me stay motivated and focused on my health:
1)Write your goals down. Set a long-term goal and a short-term goal. Be specific and make sure that they are measurable. Also, come up with a reward for yourself when you reach each goal.
2)Keep a food journal. If you don't count calories, at least write down what you eat and hold yourself accountable for your nutrition. I highly recommend the app "myfitnesspal". I use it daily and find it to be a very motivational tool.
3)Find a workout buddy. Ask a friend or relative to workout with you or go on a diet with you, that way you can hold each other accountable.
4)Post your inspiration on your refrigerator. The picture that I posted above is a trainer, Zuzana, that has a blog called bodyrock.tv! She is a beast! Her workouts and her amazing attitude inspires me...not to mention she has the most incredible body I've ever seen. So, I have her picture on my refrigerator and as the background on my phone. That may sound obsessive...but it works for me! You could even post a picture of yourself when you looked and felt your best or your favorite motivational quote. Whatever works for YOU.
5)Get moving! We all have those days when we feel like we are moving through syrup. If you find yourself sitting on the couch after work and too tired to workout...GET UP! Do some jumping jacks, push-ups, or run in place. After you get up and move around for about 10-15 minutes you may find the energy to put on your tennis shoes and head to the gym! You know you won't regret it! :)
6)Get a hold of mindless snacking. If you start thinking about heading to the fridge for an unhealthy snack, you are probably just eating out of boredom. Instead of heading to the fridge or pantry, pick up a book or get up and do something productive. I usually choose to do the laundry or get started on a home project that I have been putting off. If you truly feel hungry, drink a glass of water. If you are still hungry after you drink water, then by all means EAT..but please make it a healthy snack.
7)Plan ahead. If your friend asks you to go to dinner on a Saturday night and you are worried about over-indulging, go ahead and set a game plan. Figure out where y'all are going to eat and then search online for the restaurant's menu. Look over the options and go ahead and choose what HEALTHY dish you are going to order.
8)Hire a trainer. If you are overwhelmed with the thought of working out by yourself or just can't find motivation no matter what you try, hire a personal trainer to keep you accountable.
Yours in Health,
Brittany Thigpen
Dying to be Thin

a)the refusal to maintain body weight of at least 85% of the normal expected weight
b)intense fear of weight gain
c)distorted body perception
d)amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle)
Bulimia Nervosa is defined as:
a)recurrent episodes of binge eating
b)regular purging,fasting, or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain
c)at least 2 episodes of binging and purging per week
d)persistent over-concern with weight and shape
I was searching the internet last night for some songs that I could post on my blog. I wanted to post my favorite inspirational songs...most of which are contemporary christian. In doing so I discovered an amazing song by Barlow Girl called "Mirror". When you open up my blog, it is the first song that plays. The lead singer of this Christian group suffered from an eating disorder and she decided to write a song about it. I encourage you all to take a listen. It is an empowering song. I got very emotional as I was listening to it, because I began to think of all of the young girls (and guys) out there that have distorted body images and are suffering from eating disorders. I can't help but put some blame on the media..we live in a society that puts so much emphasis on appearance. Girls as young as 5 and 6 years old are developing eating disorders. It is truly gut wrenching. My 10 year old niece is an incredible ballerina and is in a junior ballet company. She has the most beautiful muscular legs and the other day she told me that her legs were fat. I said "No, sweetie! Your legs look like mine. You are a dancer...those are muscles in your legs." I couldn't believe that she actually thought for one second that she had an ounce of fat on her slim little body. The truth is, she goes to a school full of girls that are already obsessing about their weight.
When I was a child I was well aware that I was overweight. I was told every single day how fat I was. I longed to look like my niece looks...tall and slender. My mom always told me that I was beautiful and that I was going to be a knockout when I got older. I didn't believe her. I thought I was the ugly duckling of the family and I wondered how my parents could even love me.
Once I grew tall and slender, I still had body image issues. I often thought about my childhood and the harsh words that were spoken to me on a daily basis. When I developed my eating disorder those words haunted me. I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself how disgusting I was. I was obsessed with being thin. I remember all the early morning workouts with the team; the whole time I was running around the track I was thinking about what I had to eat the day before. I got mad at myself for eating and that was my motivation to run harder and longer.
What still blows my mind is the attention I received when I got so thin. Several of my friends and sorority sisters were envious. A couple of them even asked me about my diet, because they wanted to do it. That goes to show you how screwed up our society is; most of those girls knew that I had an eating disorder. I wouldn't even step foot in the sorority house during lunch or dinner and if I did I was eating a small salad or some fruit, but yet they still ranted and raved about how "great" I looked! I so desperately needed help, but instead I was getting compliments that encouraged me to continue to get thinner.
I thank God for my health and for saving me during such a dark time in my life. No matter what size I am, He loves me and thinks I am beautiful. I believe that I have truly found my calling in life and I am going to use my passion and my talents to glorify Him! Just remember... the mirror does not define you. If you or someone you know is battling this disease, please seek treatment. I have posted my contact information on this site and would love to help in any way that I can.
Yours in Health,
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Why a fitness competition?
Since posting my blog, I have had several people ask me why a "fitness competition"? The first thing my husband said to me was, "You're not going to get all bulky and have veins popping out of your arms are you?" Just to clear things up...I am going to do this the healthy and NATURAL way, therefor I am striving to look healthy & natural! No, I do not want to look like I could beat up my husband or eat a small child. I realize that there are other fitness goals that I could set, like running a marathon or competing in a triathlon. So, why a fitness competition? First of all, I HATE running. It kills my knees and I would rather get on a spin bike for 5 hours than run for 5 minutes. I have no desire to RUN. Second of all, I LOVE the stage. It still amazes me that I went from being an extremely shy girl that hid behind her mom to a girl that comes ALIVE on a stage and in front of a camera. Now, I realize that there is a big difference in dancing on a stage or modeling clothes on a runway to walking on a stage in a tiny bikini. Needless to say, I am terrified! And that is the number 3 reason why I am doing this. There is nothing I like more than a good challenge!
I have not signed up for a competition yet. Although I am in good shape, I have a long way to go. I am going to work towards my goal and when I feel confident enough with my results, I will look into it. I will keep y'all posted with my results and when I decide to take the plunge. Thanks again for all of the support! This is going to be an extremely tough challenge and I am really clinging to God to help me through this. I am super excited about this phase in my life and proving to myself and others that anything is possible! Please pray for my husband, Jud, as he is the one that has to put up with me through all of this. I am already a little grumpy from not getting to eat whatever I want or have a glass of wine! lol! I just have to keep repeating this quote to myself, "Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret."
Yours in Health,
Monday, August 1, 2011
Week #1...Done & Done
Week 1 of training is over! Whoohoo! I started my very strict diet and worked my butt off this past week. It's Monday and I feel like I got hit by a bus, but I have to start week #2. I am really proud of myself. This past weekend my husband went out of town, so I was really able to focus. I was extremely productive! I knocked several things off my "to do" list, fit in some amazing workouts, and did not have one single drop of alcohol. I got great rest and I am ready to take on my next challenge. Stay tuned... I will be posting some great workout tips and recipes! Thanks for checking out my page!
Yours in health,