Monday, December 8, 2014

Best of Jackson

It is a huge honor to be a finalist for "Best Fitness Trainer" & The Club "Best Fitness Center" in the Best of Jackson poll. We could really use your support to win! Please go to to vote! Thank you!!! 👍😊

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Workout at Home!

The most common excuse I hear when I ask people why they don't workout is "I don't have time". Well we are all busy and on a time crunch, but let me ask you you have 20-30min? This workout can be done at home in only 20min and you don't even need equipment. Stop with the excuses and make exercise a priority. You will find yourself feeling stronger & more energized! Trust me, it's worth your time!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Get your greens in!

Looking for an easy way to get your greens in? Add some spinach to your protein shake! This is 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 c spinach, 1 1/2c almond milk & 1tbsp natural PB, & 1c ice blended in the ninja!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cheat Clean

So I had this major craving for homemade chocolate chip cookies yesterday. I decided to whip some up with the ingredients I had around my house, and I must say they turned out delicious! Very moist & fluffy!! I've learned a lot about food swaps, so I've been able to get creative and make some of my favorite treats healthy. Here's the recipe!
2 1/2C Oat Flour
3/4C Brown Sugar in the Raw
1/2C Stevia
1/3C Coconut Oil
Splash of Almond Milk
2 eggs
1tsp Baking Powder
1tsp Vanilla
Dark Chocolate Chips (as many as you want)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Combine ingredients in mixer. Fold chocolate chips in. Bake 8-10min.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hotel Room Cardio

Traveling a lot this summer? That's no excuse not to get your exercise in. Try this hotel room cardio workout!! 💪

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A letter to my 10 year old self...

Dear Brittany, 

I know that life seems hard right now. I wish I could tell you it's going to get easier.
But honestly, it's never going to be easy. There are always going to be cruel people in the world trying to bring you down. You think that if you are beautiful and skinny that people will love you, but they will only hate you worse because of jealousy. I know, I know... It doesn't make any sense. But it's life. 

You have a lot of struggles ahead. What you are going through now is hard, but it's preparing you for what's to come. 

God gave you a very big and tender heart. It is one of your most precious gifts, although at times you will feel like its a curse. Hold onto that gift tightly no matter how much it hurts sometimes. Always love people, even if they don't love in return. Your reward in the end for being a good person far outweighs anything anyone can give you. 

The bullying you are dealing with now is going to cause a lot of insecurities and self doubt, but you will overcome it. Stay strong. You have something inside of you that is great and you have a bright future ahead. Dream big and never give up! Fight for what you want and never lose faith that God has an amazing plan for your life. 

When you do become successful, stay humble. Never forget where you came from and always remember the girl that you see in the mirror now. 

Lastly, share your successes with the people who love you, and make sure they know how much they are appreciated. You've got some unbelievable people in your life who will always be there and more to come. You have so much to look forward to. Keep your head up and your heart strong. 


Your future self 

Photo copyright: Michael-David Photography, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014


So last weekend I had my big photo shoot with the AMAZING Michael-David Reilly. It was an awesome experience! After the first round of pictures, MD showed me a few. I looked at them and honestly couldn't believe it was me. I was so happy with what I saw. Of course it helped having a fabulous make-up artist, Julia Snider work on me! And my boyfriend, Nick, was there to pull out my true smile. 
When we got home from Houston, I got a chance to sit down and look through all of the pictures. After only a few minutes of going through them, I began to pick myself apart. What I had worked so hard for and was so proud of just a day before, was now something I was critiquing. 
Since I started training, I've tried to be an advocate for positive body-image, and I even spoke to MD about that a lot. I felt utter disappointment catching myself in that weak moment and thought, "Nobody is perfect. You're never going to be perfect. Why do you insist on tearing yourself down?"
My boyfriend has always made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world and he was there to tell me how crazy I was and how proud he was of me. After all, he's been the one beside me day in and day out witnessing how hard I work. He was quick to remind me of how far I've come and how I had just spoken about overcoming body-image issues.

It was a humbling experience, and you know I like to keep it real on this blog- So I'm here to admit that I had a weak moment, and it probably won't be the last one. But the only thing I can do in those weak moments is pray and ask God for forgiveness. He loves me and has blessed me in so many ways and I am just a product of His amazing grace. 
I'm NOT perfect. I will NEVER be perfect, but I am healthy and I am happy!!! 

In case you need a reminder today-- you are beautiful in God's eyes! He created you with a purpose and you are precious!! 
Keep your head up and don't let the negativity of this cruel world get the best of you!! 

In Health,


Thursday, April 10, 2014


Well, today's the big day...big 3-0! Can't believe it. I have honestly been dreading this day, but today I woke up so excited! I have been reflecting on my life and when I truly remember everything God has brought me through, I am so grateful. I am in the best place of my life. I have a wonderful family, an amazing God-fearing man who pushes me to always be my best, true friends, and an awesome career surrounded by like-minded, wonderful people. I am truly blessed. I set a goal last year to be in the best shape of my life by "30", so on April 26th I will celebrate my success in reaching that goal by having my first professional fitness photo shoot.
You see, you're never too old to chase your dreams. Every day is a new opportunity to become exactly who you want to be.  You just have to believe in yourself and fight for what you want. With your eyes fixed on Jesus anything is possible. Stay strong, my friends! Xoxo

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What to look for when hiring a personal trainer!

Hiring a personal trainer is a big commitment toward your fitness goals. It is also a pretty big financial commitment as the going rate for a personal trainer can be anywhere from $40-$100 per session. To ensure you get the most out of your experience, I created a list of some key things you should look for when hiring a trainer. 
(Obviously there are some varying opinions on this subject, but through some information that I've gathered and from my own personal experience, I would like to share my input.)

** Is he/she certified? A personal trainer should have a current personal training certification as well as an up-to-date CPR & first aid certification. 

** Does he/she have experience? An experienced trainer is ideal, however many trainers are young and may just be starting out in the field. If thats the case, keep an open mind, but make sure they are certified. I've met and interviewed several trainers who are currently in college studying kinesiology or exercise science.. That shows that they are serious and passionate about their field and obviously obtaining essential knowledge. 

** Does this person understand my fitness goals? Look for someone who can relate to you and truly understand your goals. A good trainer should be able to customize a program according to your fitness level and goals. 

** Does he/she know how to work around my physical limitations/injuries? A knowledgable trainer should know how to work around common injuries to prevent any further harm. If you have back problems, ask the trainer how he or she plans to work around that issue.

** Can this person motivate me? A trainer should motivate, not intimidate. Look for a trainer who can push you and uplift you. You will be spending A LOT of time with this person, make sure you like them and they make you feel comfortable. 

** Is he/she fit? I wouldn't want to go to a dental hygienist who has bad teeth. Do you want to go to a trainer who isn't in shape? The answer is probably NO. Look for a trainer who practices what he/she preaches. 

Bottom line... If you go in for a consultation with a potential trainer, don't be afraid to ask questions. The right qualified personal trainer can make all the difference in the world, but hiring an inexperienced/non-certified trainer is just plain dangerous. Make sure you do your research to choose the best fit for you! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Beginnings

As most of you already know, I recently took a new job with The Club. I am very excited about a new opportunity and I am overwhelmed by the warm welcome I've received. If you live in the Madison area, come see me. I will be training at The Township, Lake Harbor and Madison locations. Check out my bio below and also please go visit the website,

Brittany Horton is from Brandon, MS. She is a graduate of The University of Mississippi where she studied Health, Exercise Science and Recreation Management. She has 7 years of experience in the fitness industry as a personal trainer and fitness manager. She received her certification through National Exercise Trainers Association and American Sports and Fitness Association. Brittany's extensive background in dance and performing arts led to her passion for fitness. While attending Ole Miss she had opportunity to dance for the Rebels and lead the JV Rebelette team workouts; That's when she realized she wanted to have a future in personal training. 

Brittany is a NPC fitness competitor as well as a fitness blogger. She practices what she preaches and her main goal is to help motivate others. She has trained and helped hundreds of people reach their fitness goals. Her favorite quote regarding her career as a trainer is, "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Exercise of the Week: Upright Rows

My absolute favorite shoulder exercise! 3x12 superset upright rows- 
close grip & wide grip on the smith machine.  

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Team Fitness Fixation: be your best self!

I have uploaded most of the team bios now. I am so thankful that each girl is so willing to share her personal story for the blog. I have found the greatest group of girls and I know sharing our journey to the NPC is going to be the most incredible experience. 
When I first competed, I was on my own. I had very few people supporting me and I relied on myself for workouts, nutrition and motivation. I went to one posing practice with a few other girls, but other than that, I went into my first experience all by myself. 
Knowing that this year I have an amazing group of girls to uplift and motivate one another makes me so happy. 
I told the team from the get-go that I am no expert at competing, but our group is about support and I would do everything in my power to help them reach their goals and gain the confidence it takes to step on stage. 
To me, competing is about being your best self. One of my favorite motivational quotes I've seen floating around Instagram lately is, "Look in the mirror, that's your competition." 
The discipline this sport takes is not for the faint of heart. I'm willing to bet several people who have said, "I think I'm going to do a fitness competition" have never made it to the stage. It takes sacrifice and mental toughness. It's not just working out several times a week, it's a complete lifestyle change.
I have also seen the flip side of this sport, and the vanity that comes along with it. I get it when some people look at me crazy when I tell them what I'm training for. There are people who compete for the wrong reasons. I know some may picture the girls who just wanna strip down and pose in a bikini leaned up against a motorcycle for a "photo shoot." Or the "fitness models" who pose in lingerie and blast their sexy images all over social media to help "motivate" others. 
I can't control what others do, but I can control what I do and how I represent myself and my sport. 
As I post mine and the teams' progress along the way, I hope we can open some minds up and motivate others to be the best they can possibly be. Our goal is to represent with class, humility and grace.
We want you to see that you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes hard work and self-discipline to be your best self. Each girl on Team Fitness Fixation is unique and we all have different backgrounds and stories, and that's what makes this experience so beautiful. We have all come together to empower one another and to inspire others through our journey. 
Please stay tuned for progress pictures and news! 

Thank you for the support! 

In Health,

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Posing Practice

A few shots from posing practice with my girl, Randall! So proud of her progress! She truly gives 100% and I have loved watching her improve week to week!