Friday, August 12, 2011

Drop those Barbie weights!

If I had a dollar for every woman that has ever told me, "I'm scared to lift weights, I don't want to bulk up" , then I could probably just quit my job as a trainer. For some reason the majority of women are scared to touch anything but the "barbie weights" at the gym. You know the weights I'm talking about...they are in their own little section and they are hot pink, purple, green, blue and the heaviest weight they go up to is like 8 lbs. I have to admit that I have gotten very spoiled to working out in a private studio, but when I do go to a regular gym I am amazed at the lack of women hitting the machines and weights. I see women in aerobics classes, pounding the treadmill, busting it on the elliptical, heading to yoga class, but I am usually by myself in the middle of a bunch of men lifting weights. According to the International Health, Racquet, and Sportsclub Association, of the 12.7 million women that belonged to a commercial health club last year only about half used the machines and one-third lifted the free weights. That statistic is quite sad when you consider the awesome benefits that these women are missing out on.
Strength training reduces blood pressure, improves bone density, strengthens muscles and connective tissue, wards off arthritis, reduces the risk of diabetes, boosts your metabolism, and boosts your mood. I bet you didn't know that once we reach our 30's, we lose 5-10% of muscle strength each decade. That should be a HUGE wake-up call if you are not lifting weights. You have probably heard that "muscles weights more than fat", well guess what...muscle also BURNS more than fat. Yep, muscle burns about 3x more calories than fat. So to put it simply, MORE MUSCLE=FASTER METABOLISM! Who doesn't want that?

Now, I realize you may still be wary of lifting weight for fear of "bulking-up". Don't be! Obviously women do not have the same hormonal make-up as men and it pretty impossible for us to get as muscular as them. There is no reason to be afraid of the heavier weights at the gym. So, to all you women out there...listen up! DROP THOSE BARBIE WEIGHTS! Here are a few tips to help you build lean muscles and feel more comfortable in the weight room:

*First of all, be sure and combine regular cardio with your strength training routine. This will help you look leaner while you become stronger.

*If you have never lifted weights before, you do need to start out light and work your way up. It is very important to learn proper form to prevent injury. Stick to lighter weights and higher reps. For example: 2 sets of 15 reps.

*If you have been lifting weights for a while and you can breeze through 2 sets of 15 reps (with proper form), it is time to UP the weight. You should actually FEEL the resistance, and it should be difficult to finish the second set. Again, make sure that you can maintain proper form through all reps. I cringe when I see people (mainly men) in the gym trying to "sling" weight that is obviously too heavy for them..that's just a recipe for disaster.

*Also, make sure you change up your routine. I'm sure you've heard about hitting a "plateau"; To prevent this you need to change up your strength training routine. You can do this by changing up the exercises you do, the type of equipment you use, the amount of weight you lift, and also by changing up the number of reps and sets that you do.

*Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help! Most gyms should have someone there to introduce you to the machines and teach you how to properly use weights. If you go to a 24 hour gym, be sure to go with some that knows what they are doing and talking about to teach you how to properly use the equipment. If you are still overwhelmed, you may want to hire a personal trainer to tell you exactly what to do and to coach your form.

Yours in Health,

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