Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why a fitness competition?

I want to thank everyone that has visited my blog and posted encouraging comments. I am overwhelmed with the love and support I have received just from sharing my story. It took a lot of guts to throw it out there, but I am so glad I did. I had a client come in yesterday and say, "I read your blog. If I hadn't read that, I would have thought you'd been slim your whole life." That's exactly why I put it out there. I've had many people make the assumption that I am naturally slender. Well, now you know that is NOT the case. I still have to work very hard to maintain my weight and it has been a battle my whole entire life. I cringe to think of what I would look like if I did not workout or if I let myself eat whatever I want.

Since posting my blog, I have had several people ask me why a "fitness competition"? The first thing my husband said to me was, "You're not going to get all bulky and have veins popping out of your arms are you?" Just to clear things up...I am going to do this the healthy and NATURAL way, therefor I am striving to look healthy & natural! No, I do not want to look like I could beat up my husband or eat a small child. I realize that there are other fitness goals that I could set, like running a marathon or competing in a triathlon. So, why a fitness competition? First of all, I HATE running. It kills my knees and I would rather get on a spin bike for 5 hours than run for 5 minutes. I have no desire to RUN. Second of all, I LOVE the stage. It still amazes me that I went from being an extremely shy girl that hid behind her mom to a girl that comes ALIVE on a stage and in front of a camera. Now, I realize that there is a big difference in dancing on a stage or modeling clothes on a runway to walking on a stage in a tiny bikini. Needless to say, I am terrified! And that is the number 3 reason why I am doing this. There is nothing I like more than a good challenge!

I have not signed up for a competition yet. Although I am in good shape, I have a long way to go. I am going to work towards my goal and when I feel confident enough with my results, I will look into it. I will keep y'all posted with my results and when I decide to take the plunge. Thanks again for all of the support! This is going to be an extremely tough challenge and I am really clinging to God to help me through this. I am super excited about this phase in my life and proving to myself and others that anything is possible! Please pray for my husband, Jud, as he is the one that has to put up with me through all of this. I am already a little grumpy from not getting to eat whatever I want or have a glass of wine! lol! I just have to keep repeating this quote to myself, "Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret."

Yours in Health,

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on setting a goal!! I wish you all the success in the world!! My husband and I are training for our first half marathon and I'm beginning to get burned out... The race isn't until October. I hope I can find more motivation before then!! Good luck, and thanks for the inspirational words!! I had no idea what all you'd been through! You are amazing!! :-)
